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Shadow Boxing

…and from time to time we face struggles with ourrselves,

caught in inner conflict.

»Do you want to live up to expectations and values, to your own ones or to those of others?«

»Are there difficult options to choose?«

In order to deal with such inner conflicts, systemic work with mind, heart and gut offers a constructive way.

»Which one is your way?«

»Are you driven by your mind? Do you weigh up, following an intellectual and logical path?«

»Are you driven by your heart? Taking decisions with inspiration and courage?«

»Do you believe in your gut feeling? Deciding quickly and intuitively? Without thinking about it too long?«

Working with the triadic “mind, heart & gut model” may connect your inner intelligence centres in a very strong way.

For smart, sustainable decisions!


» Value good company even when you are alone «

Hungarian proverb